2007年5月28日 星期一

Each part of society appears to be struggling to determine its place in this rapidly changing world. What was apparent in the earlier literature review was that no technology in the past had so rapidly changed and advanced society. Our social, family and economic structures appeared to be struggling in its wake. Unlike other technologies that slowly evolved and impacted parts of the social and economic worlds, information technology, including computer, telecommunication and communication impacts and touches all facets of our lives simultaneously. The infiltration in the last fifteen years or so of information and computer technology has been faster and more rapid than any other technology before it, escalating the rate of change and impact felt by all of society.
“The world of technology is the sum of what people do, its redemption can only come from changes in what people, individually and collectively, do or refrain from doing.” “We must stop being slaves to technology and become its masters instead. A good starting point to liberate people and organizations in the information age is the obvious conclusion that many people have already arrived at, namely that we are drowning in a sea of email, voice mail, reports and data. We have so much information these days that it’s hard to get one’s job done.”
We need to understand and recognize the impact and role technology plays in our lives. By recognizing its role, we can better support, guide and nurture our children. Our awareness will help to ensure our children are better prepared, increasing the probability they will make better and more educated choices. We must recognize that there are problems in society, beyond just the introduction of information technologies. We must overcome as citizens these issues and become more aware of the problems in the first step toward achieving this goal.
Focus & Meaning STUDENT13, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 4 for focus. Focus relates to your ability to present a consistent, unified message and stay on topic. Your focus is adequate. Typically, a response at this level gives a fairly clear statement of purpose and wanders only slightly from the topic.
STUDENT13, let's look at how you can make your writing better. As you get ready to revise, read your essay out loud so you can hear your ideas and words.
Revision Goal 1: State the central/controlling idea of your essay.
1.In your introduction, you should include one sentence that tells your reader what your essay is about. This is called your thesis statement. Highlight this sentence in yellow.
2.If you did not include one sentence that explains what your essay is about, write one at the beginning of your essay now.
Before Revision: I want to go on a hike through the scenic Redwood National Forest. I would also like to participate in the Junior Ranger Program. While I am in the Redwood National Forest, I hope to learn about the history of the park during an evening campfire program.
Frank's Strategy:I listed a few ideas, but I did not write one sentence that clearly explains what my essay is about. I need to add this sentence now.
After Revision:There are many reasons why I think visiting the Redwood National Forest in California would make a great field trip for my class. First, the scenic Redwood National Forest offers many interesting hikes. Secondly, all students would have the opportunity to participate in the Junior Ranger Program. Finally, while we are there, we can learn about the history of the park during an evening campfire program.
Frank's Reflection:I added a sentence to explain what my essay will be about and to show how my ideas are related.
Revision Goal 2: Understand and write for your audience.
1. Think about your audience. Are you writing to someone your own age, or are you writing to an adult? Are you writing to someone familiar with your subject and ideas, or are you writing to someone who does not know about your subject and ideas?
2. Make sure the details and information that you included about the central/controlling idea of your essay will be interesting and important to you reader.
Before Revision: Hey what's up? I wanna tell you about something really neat. Hiking in the Redwood National Forest would be real cool! Oh my gosh, I really wanna go. I mean there are so many cool activities to do.
Frank's Strategy: I need to replace my informal language and slang with more formal language. In addition, my audience may not know what the Redwood National Forest looks like, so I need to add more details to help my reader understand why I think the forest would be a spectacular place to visit.
After Revision: I would like to go hiking in the Redwood National Forest because it is an interesting place. The Redwood Forest is filled with trees as tall as skyscrapers. Redwood trees can live to be 2,000 years old and can grow 300 feet tall.
Frank's Reflection: I replaced informal language with more formal language. I also added important facts and information about the Redwood Forest so that my audience would better understand my essay.
Individual Student Report
Composition I
Assignment Name
Effects of Technology
Category of Prompt
Revision Number
Start Date
05/22/2007 11:33
Completion Date
05/29/2007 09:57
Total Time Spent on This Essay
6 Days 22 Hours 23 Minutes 58 Seconds
4 4 4 4 5 4

2007年5月14日 星期一

To pick up your pace, pick up a pole

Spending hours in a gym wasn't giving Susan Huynh of Los Angeles, California, the results she was looking for, so on the advice of a friend, she picked up some poles, but she didn't head to the slopes. Instead she tried a growing exercise trend: Nordic walking.
"I really like the fact the poles keep you aligned," Huynh says. "This really works all the right muscles at the right time."
The technique involves leaning slightly forward, taking long strides and moving heel to toe while keeping a relaxed grip on the poles. "The appeal of Nordic walking is that it is very similar to cross-country skiing," says instructor Alexandra Jurasin. In fact, Nordic walking got its start in Finland over a hundred years ago as a training exercise for cross-country skiers to stay in shape during the summer.
Nordic walking poles cost between $50 and $200. The height is adjustable, and they feature rubber tips designed to grip the pavement.
Jurasin teaches hourlong classes in a Los Angeles park for beginner to advanced Nordic walkers. She often gets heckled by onlookers wondering what she's doing. "Where's the snow? The mountains are that way," she recounts. "If the poles were in their hands I can guarantee that they'd have a much different opinion of it."
Jurasin estimates Nordic walking burns up to 400 calories an hour, compared with about 350 for regular walking.
The positive findings were confirmed by Dr. Timothy Church, a professor of preventive medicine research at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.
His 2002 study of 22 men and women using Nordic walking poles revealed a 20 percent increase in caloric expenditure and a similar rise in oxygen consumption when compared with regular walking. Just as promising, the study shows the benefits came without increasing exertion.
"The poles allow you to thrust off the ground behind you," says Jurasin. "Not only do they propel you forward and you move a little bit faster, but you're utilizing a lot more muscle groups in your body."
She says the low impact workout helps decrease stress on the joints while the poles aid in stability and balance. That's one of the reasons Nordic walking is becoming more popular among those who may not be in good shape or are looking to lose some weight.
Bertha Sequida is one of them. She became a fan after trying Jurasin's class for the first time. "It was awesome. I'm still feeling my fat burning," she says.
Says Sequida's classmate, Rachael Clark: "I'm standing up straight and all of a sudden my posture is better so when my posture is better, my breathing is better."
Jurasin regards Nordic walking as an injury-free activity, with few risks "as long as people can put poles in their hands and start moving forward then you're going to start seeing some benefits."

2007年4月30日 星期一

The Art of Life

Reading 「A Psalm Of Life」,is very impressive for me serious and changes my
Manner of life. But, also lets me even more strengthen me to face the life ideal and the faith,I practice the dream three means of livelihood,thee diligent enrichment,the diligen experience life ,the diligent live brilliant is oneself happy.that is my idea which to be carried out for my life.

Greek philosopher`s Aristotle has said:「The life final value is lies in the ponder to awaken accumulates with the experience,but is not the survival」.Therefore, my life connot only for survive lives. I must continuously industriously enrich oneself, continuosly study the life experience life.

Each people all have its short-coming and the merit ,I am not exceptional, The multi-speeches,irritable, forgetful is my three big shortcomings and the foresight, optimistic, the sense of justice and my three big merits, Continues to revise own merit is I at present positively in the implementation matter, also is the manner which life should have.


This examination tests of not good, there are 3 sections to disqualified.English can also progress again, hoping can test 80 separately above.Hoping this semester can with all past and having a happy summer vacation.


Actions speak louder than words.坐而言,不如起而行Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成While there is life, there is hope. 留得青山在,不怕沒柴燒Don't cross a bridge till you come to it.船到橋頭自然直Little strokes fell great oaks. 天下無難事,只怕有心人Every dog has his day.十年風水輪流轉Look before you leap.三思而後行He touches pitch shall be defiled.近朱者赤,近墨者黑Charity begins at home.修身齊家博愛天下Dog does not eat dog.同類不相殘Better bend than break.識實務者為俊傑Do in Rome as the Romans do.入境隨俗Cast pearls before swine.對牛談情A true friend is one soul in two bodies.摯友如異體同心A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難中的朋友才是真正的朋友Money talks.有錢能使鬼推磨It's never too late to learn.學習永不嫌遲There's no limit if you look up.人外有人,天外有天Everyone has a place in the world.每一個人在世上必有一個位置All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.一味用功不玩耍,聰明孩子變傻瓜East, west, home is best. 金窩、銀窩,不如自己的草窩Lack of money is the root of all evil.貧乏無錢乃萬惡之根源Some people cannot see the wood for the trees.有些人見樹不見林The pen is mightier than the sword.筆比劍利No man is born wise or learned.世上沒有生而知之者First come, first served.先下手為強To kill two birds with one stone.一石二鳥

2007年2月12日 星期一

hello!This is I first time writes the blog.Before ever has not come with blog,therefore I to blog felt has the interest very much.I hope later will be able to study more things in the Englishcourse.Thans.